5 Facts About Mobile Marketing You Probably Didn't Know

Mobile marketing represents one of the newest forms of digital marketing with users browsing over 200% more products on a mobile application that on the web platform. This fact is given by the Websitebuilder.

This article will cover some wow facts you probably didn’t know about mobile marketing and why you should incorporate it into your business.

More industries are adopting mobile websites:

The number of mobile site adaptation has increased tremendously in recent years.Some of the industries benefiting most from this are the travel and hospitality industry having over 85% of businesses mobile-ready. It has been researched that an average of 51% travelers uses their mobile devices to get travel information.

Use of mobile apps:

Mobile apps are becoming trendy by the day. It is believed that 90% of someone’s mobile usage is spent on apps. Apps also boast an average of 3.3 million new users every month.Over 286% of products are searched from apps compared to the mobile web as mobile apps seem to be more available at hand.


Mobile commerce is the buying and selling of goods and services through cellular devices.80% of consumers use smartphones to shop. This has seen the rise in profits realized by mobile retailers with 25% of them generating over 50% of their revenues from mobile sales.

The current B2C mobile commerce sales in the U.S is valued at an estimated $83.93. However, it is believed that mobile commerce will take over $90 billion and 30% of global e-commerce sales will come from smartphones in the U.S in the year 2018.

Mobile advertising is gaining popularity:

Media brands are devoting over 51% of their digital advertising campaigns to mobile.
This has boosted companies that offer the services such as Google and Facebook.
Facebook’s mobile ads make up 79% of their business while over 56% of Google’s revenue came from mobile internet ads in the year 2016.

The only setback mobile advertising has faced, is the fact that there is no much transparency as to the attribution of ads. Mobile advertising is also believed to peak in 2018 compared to desktop advertising.

Mobile shopping behavior:

82% of smartphone users turn to their mobile phones to help them make a product decision according to a Google data review. Users have been seen to purchase more from apps than a mobile-optimized site. Another fascinating fact is that more men purchase from apps as compared to their female counterparts.

Due to promotional offers such as coupons and discounts that come with mobile shopping. Most are considering this as an option due to super savings. This is popular with moms and millennials. With 84% of millennials opting to use loyalty points or discounts if they are applied automatically.

In summary, mobile marketing is a growing mobile trend that should be incorporated into every growing business. Being an era of technology, the number of smartphones has been seen to rise creating more demand for products and services.

Guest Post by Karthik Reddy from https://websitebuilder.org

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